I never really realized how antisocial I was / am. I used to REALLY hate calling, except with 1 person who I didn't mind calling with, but still I found it pretty draining. For years I operated under the "No, I don't like calling, sorry" label (and I still /kind/ of do.) But pretty recently I found myself branching out more and more.
I honestly have to give thanks to the HLVRAI fandom for this. It's been an incredible, fun and welcoming fandom to be in. I've met lots of people and made friends all in the month or so I've been back into it. Really, never before did I ever find myself interacting with a fandom, let alone having fun whilst interacting. Another big big thing is that I am finally getting over my fear of calls. I'm not as anxious joining one anymore. I'm still a little nervous about one on one calls, but I feel like that's getting better too. I love hanging out and having fun with my friends. Life is awesome. Thank you HLVRAI.